Now celebrating the history of 590 lost ski areas in New England and 71 elsewhere!
Over 9 years preserving the history of lost ski areas.

Lost Ski Areas of the White Mountains Now on Sale!
(Posted July 31, 2008)
NELSAP's first book - the Lost Ski Areas of the White Mountains - is now on sale! Click here for ordering directions!
The NELSAP store sells T-shirts, calendars, mugs, and more! Click on the image to see the calendar, and to make a purchase. All proceeds go to running the site, acquiring materials, etc.
New England Ski Museum Exhibit on Lost Ski Areas now open: The New England Ski Museum currently has a terrific exhibit on lost ski areas, with many never publicly before seen photos. For more information, click here. Admission is free, and tell them you heard about the exhibit on NELSAP!

Have you ever wondered what happened to your favorite ski area? Why did it close? What was the history behind it? Ever driven by a closed ski area and wondered what it was, its legacy?

NELSAP is here to answer your questions. Stories, pictures, and hard facts are used to describe the lost ski areas of New England and elsewhere. Since October of 1998 more than 660 areas have been listed on this site! Each state is listed on the menu bar on the left side of this webpage. Just click a state and you'll be on your way to exploring some rather interesting history.

Your input is critical to the future growth of NELSAP. If you'd like to send us some information, please visit our "Contribute Info" page on the left to learn how, or send an email to nelsap@yahoo.comYour emails have made a very important contribution to the site since we were founded. We will try to get back to you and use your information on the site, though due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to get back to you promptly.

Please be sure to check out the New England Ski Museum, another great organization dedicated to collecting, preserving, and exhibiting ski history for the purpose of research, education, and entertainment. Become a member and help support skiing's past.

If you enjoy reading about the lost ski areas of New England, please consider making a donation. NELSAP will always remain free, but costs to run the site can be substantial. Those who donate will receive a personal thank you from myself and their name on donations page. Please note that the donations are not tax deductible. If you're interested, please follow the link on the left.

Enjoy your stay!
~Jeremy Davis, Founder, NELSAP

Recent Cam Photo

Cam Archives

Practice Slope
Hogback Mountain, VT
Dec 22, 2007

Beaver Pond Glade
Jay Peak, VT
Jan 16, 2007

#43 in the Snow
Saratoga Springs, NY
Dec 30, 2006

(Click on a thumbnail for a larger image)

Click Here for more cams

Everything on this website is the property of NELSAP or has been attributed to its source, please ask permission if you use this information elsewhere. Thanks!

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Copyright 1998-2007 New England Lost Ski Areas Project.
Website Created by Jeremy Davis and Jon Gallup. All Rights Reserved.

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