Tunkhannock, PA
Years operational
Kevin Thomas, we now know of this area in
Tunkhannock. We are still researching this area, but thought we'd show Kevin's
pictures of the area in February 2005. Here's his pictures and commentary:
This is a shot of the mountain from the Wal-Mart near it's base. It is
perfectly north facing. The summit is obscured in the clouds. This mountain commands the view from the town of Tunkhannock. |


This pic is a look down one of the trails. There is a road that runs
up this trail that looks to get use by 4WD trucks |
This pic is of a trail intersection. The undergrowth has reclaimed
most of the trails, but ATV's keep tracks along some routes. |


This is a pic of an interesting looking trail. Erosion has been heavy
on many of the trails, but there is evidence that perpendicular drainage
ditches were dug on some of the trails. |
This pic is looking down one of the trails. Most of the trails that
were cut are on the lower portion of the mountain. There are signs that
work was beginning on upper mountain trails, but no definite trails can be found
at higher elevations (only logging roads). |

If you have more
information on this area just let us know.
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