April 13, 2002
Petersburg Pass, NY and Williams College, MA
We had our second
ever NELSAP hike at Peterburg Pass and Williams College on April 13, 2002.
Everybody had a great time! Laruie Puliafico, Patrick Sullivan and his Dad,
Jeremy Clark, Jesse Opalka, Mike Watrous and Jeremy Davis all attended.
The following is a
writeup from Laurie about the hike. We hope to do another this summer! - Jeremy
Laurie Puliafico -
On Saturday, I left my house just after 7 AM
to meet other NELSAPer's for a hike of Petersburg Pass. It was
overcast, but there were ocassional breaks with sun. As I drove
west on Route 2 the weather became more threatening and the sky
grew darker, but this being New England I continued. As I passed
Berkshire East the rain slowed and the sky appeared to be
clearing. This was not to be as I climbed the hill into Florida,
MA. A cloud opened up and it began to pour heavier than it had
before. I was debating turning around and heading for home, but
since I was over two thirds of the way there, I decided to
continue. Just as quickly as the rain had begun, it stopped. As I
approached the hairpin turn fog rolled in. Going down the hill
into North Adams, I couldn't help but think, what if no one else
is there when I get there.
As I entered North Adams, I spotted a
McDonalds and figured I had better make a quick stop. I went in,
used the facilities and got a coffee. When I came back out, the
sun was shining through the clouds. I continued on route 2 for
another 15 to 20 minutes or so, past Williams College and Sheep
Hill and then up to the Petersburg Pass lot. When I got there
Jeremy Clark had already arrived. Slowly other hikers started to
arrive. By 10:15 or so, everyone had arrived and we were ready to
set off up the mountain. |

Hiking up. From left to
right, Jeremy C, Mike, Jesse, Laurie, and Pat.
We hiked to the
top up trail 6, Berlin (I think). On the way up we
spotted some snowmaking pipes at the side of the trail
and saw several other trails which merged.
Many of
these trails were surprisingly clear. |
When we got to
the top we looked around a little. The big concrete
counterweights were there. There was a
small weather station attached to one of the concrete
slabs. Before heading back down we ate lunch at the
top. |

On the way down
we followed trail 1 Panorama which was the lift
line. We managed to find most of the footings for
the chair. |
When we got to
the bottom we took a quick run to our cars to drop some
stuff, then walked to the Poma line. We found a
footing first, then the cable for the poma which had
been dropped on the ground and was mostly
covered. We also found the top of the
poma. |

After the hike Jeremy D. and
Patrick shared post cards, old brochures and other ski memorabilia with us. We then decided to try to find the Williams
College Ski Area which was near by. A parade of cars turned on to
Route 2 and headed down the hill toward Williams College. Almost
at the bottom of the hill we took a sharp right onto a fairly
narrow road and followed it about a mile or so. There was a dirt
road off to the right. Jeremy C. drove down the road to see if it
was the right road and to survey the road conditions before we
traveled down it. He came back with good news, this was the right
road. The end of the road near the area got muddy and the lot was
very muddy so we opted to take only two of the vehicles in.
The area was quite steep.
There were signs that the area had been used by hunters
for target practice. Shell casings and clay pigeons were
all over the ground. There was a pickup truck parked at
the base of the main hill.
We found several
items in the woods that may have been related to
the ski area including this tow bar. It started
to look threatening again so we cut our visit
short. Hopefully, another trip will be scheduled
to further explore this area. |

(Picture from Jeremy Clark) |
So, off I was again to make the
treck through the windy, curvy roads of route 2 as I headed east
toward home. It rained off and on all the way to Greenfield.
As I continued on route 2
over the French King Bridge, I noticed the little private
ski area which had been mentioned on the NELSAP
discussion board sometime last year and had to stop to
get pictures of it as well. It looks to be a rope tow
area with about a 100ft or so vertical drop. |

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