New Jersey |
New Jersey had close to a dozen ski areas at one time, now only a few still operate. Many were quite small, and relied heavily on snowmaking just to survive. Heavy or even moderate snowfalls in New Jersey are rare, making the ski areas that operate dependent on snowmaking. Despite access to many millions of people that live within 2 hours of the state, poor weather and the smaller size of these areas led to their demise. However, before they closed, many thousands of skiers learned how to ski on the gentle slopes.
The list below is far from complete, and more lost NJ ski areas will be added in time.
Total Lost Areas in NJ on NELSAP: 7
NJ Areas Still in Operation (3)
**All lost NJ pages/pictures are are property of NELSAP or of the people who let us use their information. If you use any information here, please ask permission first - thanks!**