Ski Hill
Enfield, NH
Before mid 1960's-At
least 1969
Thanks John Chiarella, we first heard of this area operated in Enfield.
Kerr has some more info though:
The LaSalette Seminary was on Route
4A in Enfield, and was formerly a Shaker settlement. The
LaSalettes purchased the property in 1927; the site is now
privately owned, but all of the great old Shaker buildings have
been preserved along with a Shaker Museum, see
I'm not sure when the rope tow was installed, but it was there
when I became ski coach in 1971. The rope tow was powered by an
old truck engine housed in a small hut at the top of the hill. I
believe the rope tow was open to the public on weekends, I
can't remember if they charged or not. During the week, the
LaSalette ski team practiced everyday on this fairly small hill.
We also practiced on some steeper trails that had been cut
higher up on Shaker Mountain; however, there was never any lift
installed, so we had to get up the old fashioned way.
Unfortunately, the school closed in 1973, I stayed on with the
LaSalettes until 1975 doing maintenance and working on their farm in
the summers, but there was no longer a ski team or operation
of the rope tow. The LaSalettes later ran a ski touring
center on the property, this was probably in the late 70's.
The property was sold to private investors in 1985.
There was never an official name for this area, we just called it the Ski Hill. The building at the bottom of the picture on the right is the LaSalette Shrine Chapel and offices. To the left you will see a line running up, that's where the rope tow was. The meadow to the left of the rope tow line is where we skied. Additionally, there is a maple grove to the right of the line that was partially cleared and we skied this as well (it was kind of like glade skiing). This maple grove was also used for maple sugaring each year. Directly in back of the buildings is the LaSalette Shrine, I'm not sure if this is still open or not. |
Dennis Johnson also remembers the area: I skied at the so called Shaker Village ski hill back in the mid 60's.We just called it LaSalette. It was operated at that time by the LaSalette Seminary. It was (is) a big field with a rope tow. I think I remember it had lights also but I may be confusing that aspect with Snowcrest (Whaleback). |
Dennis Lariviere remembers this ski area: As a graduate of LaSalette Seminary ('69) I found your article about the ski lift very interesting. It brought back many memories. I attended the Sem from 1965 through 1969. I do not recall ever having anyone other than staff & students on the ski hill. I remember all too well getting out of class and having to pat down the hill for a varsity meet. I also recall breaking my first set of skis on that hill! But I fared better that George Roy who broke a toe when he lost control hitting one of the telephone poles that held the rope tow. |
Looking down the slope towards the Shaker Village. |
If you have any further information, just let us know.