From the Skier's Guide to New England, this small rope tow area was found. There were several trails on this mountain, but only one, the Winged Drop trail, was accessible by rope tow. This tow served a 200 foot vertical drop.
In 1949 a rope tow served an open slope in Casco, probably Mt. Quito.
Anybody remember this area?
Guide to New England)
Winged Drop Trail
Located on mail route,
0.3 mile from Village Store of Postoffice
2/5 mile long
12-15 feet wide
Vertical drop: 450
feet, 45 degree slope
Upper part expert,
lower part intermediates and novices
Emerges into large
open slope of 10 to 15 degrees.
Very sporty; NW exposure
Both of these trails
are through cathedral pines and birches. Connected at top.
Tow with length 500 feet.
Vertical drop: 200
feet. New shelter
Ski Book)
Open slope and rope
tow in Casco.