Abbey Hill
Great Barrington, MA
Late 1930's-At least 1953
Hill was a small rope tow area that operated about 1 mile north of Great
Barrington. It was first a hike up and ski down area in the 1930's, and
was floodlit at night. Then, after WW II, a rope tow was installed,
which operated until at least 1953. The area likely closed at some point
in the 1950's.
I tried finding the area in March, 2001 with my family. We found the hill, but was totally overgrown, and no signs of the ski area could be found. Houses were also built in around the base. I'm guessing based on tree growth that the area was simply a large field. We did find Abbey Hill Road which goes up the hill, here's a street sign from that road. |
History by the Year
Year | Lifts | Trails | Other Info | Source |
1939 | None | Moderate grades, east exposure | Night Skiing | Skier's Guide to New England |
1947-1948 | 1000' tow | 1300' wide slope,, 160' drop, NE exposure | Needs 4" of snow to ski, novice and intermediate, operates weekends, holidays, and Sat nights | Skier's Guide to New England |
1949 | 1000' tow | Not listed, 125' drop served by lift, 160' drop total | Located north of town on Housatonic Road, take Rte 7 North to 41, 1 mile, operates weekends, holidays, and Sat nights, canteen | MA Ski Guide |
1953 | Unknown | Unknown | Area in operation, night skiing | Where to Ski |
If you have more information on this area just let us know.