This area was in my home
town of Vernon Ct. The area was in a place called Henry Park which
is owned by the town. On the other side is a big hill for
sledding. below to the right were ballfields, a swimming pool and other
recreational facility's. I area was used by members of the
Alpine Ski Club. I used to ski there in the 70's. It had one
rope tow. The parking area was at the top so you started near the
old rope tow hut. There was a Main slope which was more difficult.
And to the left was a gentler slope which went down to a small trail
that led to the bottom of the rope tow. The area had lighting for
night skiing. There was also a ski school and a Ski patrol member
on duty. A good place for the Club to learn and practice for the ski
trips to Mt. Tom in Ma. And Vermont. Due to the mild winters that
started in the 80's it closed down. My brother and I used to go
there quite a bit. |

An aerial shot, found by Tim