Stafford Ski Club
Stafford, CT
Thanks to J.
Senechal, we first heard of this area that operated in Stafford! Here are
the details:
"In the early fifties, the Stafford Ski Club
maintained a rope tow on a slope at the end of Highland Terrace behind what was
then the home of Fred Royce. It was adjacent to what was then Stafford High
School and is now the Earl M. Witt Intermediate School."
Mike Rocchetti
has some more info on the location of the
area and will try to find out more info: I was fascinated by the little bits of information about the Stafford
Ski Club in Stafford CT. I have lived in Stafford for 15 years, and I have
heard some of the old folks talk about a ski area in town. I am going to
try to find out more about this, and share the information with you. Based on the information on your website, this image shows the hill where the Stafford Ski Club must have operated. The top of the hill is at ELEV 806' and the base is at approx ELEV 480' I remember back in the early 90s, the top of this hill was being considered for a low-level nuclear waste holding facility. Thank God that never materialized. Stafford Springs is a quiet old mill town, about 27 miles NE from Hartford. |
A view of the topo map, sent in by Mike, from the UNH topo map database. The slope behind the school is clear in this image. |
Using the map above, I was able to find the approximate location of the slope. Notice how the vegetative growth seems less in the area marked. |
Does anybody else have any more information?