Saratoga Springs, NY
Thanks to several NELSAP readers, we now know of this area that operated in Saratoga Springs. Here are their details:
Cory Clechenko: The other area I know about was run by Skidmore College, and is now directly behind the campus, adjacent to Scribner Village housing. There were a few trails and a rope tow, with vertical about 150 feet. The slopes have grown in some, though are still obvious. Power lines run up one old trail now. Also, some earth moving/filling has altered the appearance. I used to mountain bike back there when I was in high school.
Jimme Quinn Ross: The Skidmore College Ski Slope was in operation from about 1970 thru 1973/4. (Dates ?) Closed due to lack of snow. It was a beginner slope about 1000' long. It was managed by my high school sweetheart's dad. There was a T-bar and warming shed where you could get a hot dog, soda, chips, and hot chocolate. I skied there only a few times with my buddies, and naturally my girlfriend. It was a blast having a 'ski area' so close to home. The slope was located just to the north of the campus. There is a sizeable watertower nearby as a landmark. |
I visited this area on April 20, 2003. It is really easy to check out and explore. Park at Skidmore College (lots of lots there), and take a trail that is on the northern end of campus. It has a sign in front of it explaining that it is the North Woods, and that its open to the public. Do be careful not to litter, etc. Take the trail that goes by a pond to the water tower. The area is just below the water tower and is easy to spot.
Just below the water tower was the end of the T-bar. Here's the old counterweight. |
The main slope is really broken into two sections: an easy almost flat top and a steeper finish. Here's a view halfway down. Notice the extensive tree growth, but you can still make the slope out. |
Just to the right of the above picture, the T-bar liftline is clearly seen. In this shot halfway down the liftline, you can see the cement blocks which used to be the T-bar tower bases. There were about 3-5 sets of these bases. This leads me to believe this was a croquet-wicket type of T-bar, likely a Mueller, similar to Woody Glen's. The lift line was cut into the hill and has eroded quite a bit. |
However, once I reached the bottom of the T-bar line, I found these two fallen rope tow towers. Perhaps there was a second lift here, or maybe the T-bar replaced an original rope tow. Hmmmm. |
According to Cory's above report, another slope was used and it now has a powerline on it. Here's the bottom of that slope. Notice the one patch of snow/ice left from the crazy winter of 2002-2003. |
And finally, a shot of the main slope, the bottom of the above picture. |
If you have more information on this area just let us know.
Page last updated: Nov 1, 2004