The Rebirth
of Snow Valley, VT
Snow Valley, Vermont is coming
back! Yes, this long abandoned ski area with tons of history and interest for
NELSAP readers, will be reborn as a private ski area. This is great news, as one
of our favorite areas will be skied again! As a request, please refrain from
visiting this area for the time being. It is on private property and the new
owner is working hard to bring it back, and there is a lot of work taking place.
Be patient though, and read through this article for some exciting news for
NELSAP and Snow Journal enthusiasts.
To learn more about Snow Valley
and view some older photos, click here.
I visited this area on July 8,
2004, and met the new owner Chris Franco. It was a foggy wet day, but great to
explore the area.
the past 20 years, Snow Valley in Winhall, Vermont has steadily deteriorated.
Left in near perfect shape at its closing the early 1980's, lifts have
rusted, trails grown in, and buildings collapse. Vandals have damaged
much of the remaining buildings: smashing windows, writing grafiti, and
of course, who can forget the old rotten mattress in the base lodge?
Meanwhile, the area's natural beauty has been slowly become
inaccessible, with the old trails being taken over by thick growth. |
Snow Valley Fast Facts:
Year Opened: 1938
Year Closed: Approximately 1982
Lifts When Closed: Poma (installed c1960), Beginner Tow, Borvig Double
Chair (installed c1977)
Trails When Closed: 15
Vertical: Approx. 700 feet
Snowmaking: Yes
Grooming: Yes
Night Skiing: No
Other Former Lifts: 2 rope tows, 2500' Roebling T-bar
Other Facilities: Cross Country Skiing |
It was time for a change.
The area was being sold by its former owner, and in 2004, Chris Franco
purchased the former ski area and acreage around the mountain. Chris appreciates
ski history, and said that learning about Snow Valley on NELSAP helped
him purchase the area! It is great to hear that our site has helped to
bring a lost area back to life. |

Chris has many plans for the
mountain over the next few years. First off, this area will be private,
a non-commercial area, for family, friends, and other guests. In a
nutshell, a majority of trails will be cleared over the next few years,
with a T-bar likely being installed in 2005, close to the site of the
original lift. The original lodge will need to be torn down due to its deterioration.
However, a new lodge will be built on the foundation, with the original
fireplace remaining in place.
Here's a blueprint of the trails.
However, some trails are missing, and others depicted here will not be
Here's a trail map showing
which trails should reopen. So far, Steeplechase (1) has been cleared
(pictures below), as has part of the narrow Boomerang (2). Another
narrow twisty trail is partially cleared, St. Cristopher. Note that some
slopes on the left won't reopen - a road will be built in that area
leading to a house near the summit. Also, a few trails near the bottom
of the old double won't reopen, since the double is not going to be part
of the area.
The chair is not needed - too much
maintenance, and if it breaks, skiers are left stranded. With T-bars,
one can just ski away! |


The historic lodge has
suffered for years with vandals and the weather. Collapsed buildings
have been already removed for safety reasons. While it would be nice to
save the lodge, it is unsafe. However, a new lodge will be built in its
place, utilizing the old foundation and fireplace. For some of you who
remember the old, collapsed (and now removed) portions of the lodge, the
newly exposed room on the left hand side may be intriguing. So whats in
this room? |
The old bathrooms! Check out
what 20 years + of vandals and weather can do! |


Back to the mountain. The
original T-bar base building is still standing, though in bad shape.
Inside, the original bullwheel still hangs. Chris plans on removing the
bullwheel and using it as a chandelier in the new lodge. What a great
idea! Saves the history while giving the bullwheel a new function. |
Looking up Steeplechase (the
main slope), one can see significant clearing. No new trails have been
cut, just existing ones. To the far upper left, you can see the narrow
cleared Boomerang trail. Also, look closely on the right hand side of
Steeplechase - note the snowmaking pipe. Snowmaking will not be utilized
at the area however-it will be natural snow only. Snow Valley does live
up to its name, with over 120 inches per year falling. |


Halfway up Steeplechase is a
huge natural rock jump. This was used 60 years, and will soon be used
again. Watch out for the daredevils! |
About three quarters of the
way up Steeplechase, a few birch trees were left when the slope was
cleared. This enhances the character of the slope, and will provide for
a scenic backdrop. Much of the trails are being cut with tree islands
and scattered trees. Most NELSAP enthusiasts love this type of trail
design! |


At the top, two original
T-bars were found. It is amazing, these lifts are nearly 60 years old!
In the background is the totally grown in T-bar line. |
Finally, at the summit we
find the original T-bar unloading station. It is in amazing shape as
well. Parts of this structure will be re-used when the new T-bar is
installed. |

For this upcoming winter, Chris
Franco plans on having skiing on Steeplechase, Boomerang, and perhaps part of
St. Cristophers. It will be served by either snowmobile or snowcat. So, the
question is - will you be able to ski it?
The answer - yes! NELSAP and
Snowjournal will be working with Chris to have a day of skiing for our members
this winter! We hope to be part of this exciting reopening. Stay tuned to NELSAP
and Snowjournal this winter for this exciting news!
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